《中英對照讀新聞》Don’t see Cup as Brazil’s "salvation" - Ronaldo 羅納度說,別把世界盃當成巴西「救星」
2014-06-08◎俞智敏Brazilian football legend Ronaldo warned his compatriots that the upcoming World Cup could not solve the country’s deep-rooted social problems.巴西足球傳奇明星羅納度警告他的同胞,即將到來的世界盃足球賽沒辦法解決巴西根深柢固的社會問題。Ronaldo, a member of Brazil’s 2002 World Cup-winning side and a member of the organizing committee said only politicians could properly address issues such as poor public services and crumbling infrastructure.曾於2002年參與巴西隊贏得世界冠軍,目前身為世界盃主辦委員會委員的羅納度說,只有政治人物才能適當地解決如公共服務品質不佳和基礎建設衰敗等議題。"Brazilians hope the World Cup will prove the salvation of our country, with improvements in education, health and security. It will bring benefits but will not resolve our problems," Ronaldo told a forum in Sao Paulo.「巴西人希望世界盃能變成國家的救星,協助改善教育、醫療和安全等問題。世界盃會帶來一些好處,但沒法解決我們的問題,」羅納度在聖保羅一場論壇上說。The World Cup’s $11 billion price tag has fueled public anger in Brazil, the scene of massive protests during last year’s Confederations Cup, a World Cup dress rehearsal.主辦世界盃的110 億美元開銷激起巴西強烈民怨,去年在巴西舉行、被視為世界盃彩排的洲際國家盃球賽就曾引來大規模示威活動。Brazilian leaders indicated when the country was awarded the tournament seven years ago that the event would be a catalyst for upgrading poor transport and urban mobility. But many planned projects have fallen by the wayside whereas 12 high-tech stadiums have been built, some in cities with no footballing tradition.巴西政壇領袖在7年前贏得世界盃主辦權時曾暗示,這場球賽將成為提升公共運輸水準與都市交通的催化劑。但許多公共建設計畫卻都半途而廢,儘管巴國興建了12座高科技球場,部份球場卻位在缺乏足球傳統的城市內。"I hope the population ask ever more of our politici美語補習班 怎麼學英文ans. People are fed up with what is happening in the country," insisted the former Barcelona, Inter Milan and Real Madrid striker, all-time top scorer at World Cup finals with 15 goals.「我希望民眾對政治人物提出更多要求。人民對國家現狀已經受夠了,」這位曾歷任巴塞隆納、國際米蘭及皇家馬德里等隊前鋒,並曾在世界盃決賽中共踢進15球的最高紀錄保持人堅稱。新聞辭典salvation:名詞,指救星、救助的手段或工具,如Tourism has been the salvation of the island.(觀光業救了這個小島。)catalyst:名詞,指催化劑、觸媒、刺激因素,如The bombing attack was the catalyst for war.(這場炸彈攻擊事件引爆了戰爭。)fall by the wayside:片語,指半途而廢,如We were going to redo the kitchen this spring, but those plans have fallen/gone by the wayside.(今年春天我們原本打算重新整修廚房,但這些計畫後來不了了之。)
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